Adult Hearing Assessments
Each Can:Do Hearing health assessment is tailored to your needs and, unlike most providers Can:Do Hearing offer a full audiological assessment. After your assessment your Can:Do Hearing audiologist will spend time discussing your results and how they relate to your concerns.

Children’s Hearing Assessments
Can:Do Hearing, in conjunction with Can:Do 4Kids, are South Australia’s most experienced provider of services for children with hearing concerns. We provide a full range of children’s hearing tests and audiological services through our accredited audiology practice as well as access to a multidisciplinary team to support your child’s needs.

Hearing Aid Fittings
Hearing aids can be a major investment for a person and so it’s extremely important that the device you choose is suitable for your hearing loss and your lifestyle, is programmed correctly, and is properly calibrated. That’s why your fitting appointment with Can:Do Hearing is customised specifically to you.

Wax Removal
Can:Do Hearing’s trained professionals use best practice techniques to remove your ear wax safely. Our waterless technique combines micro-suction and a tiny spoon-like instrument to gently remove any wax build-up. The procedure only takes around 15 minutes and the benefits will be noticed immediately.

Tinnitus Support
Tinnitus is the term for the perception of sound in one or both ears – or in the head – in the absence of any sound from outside. It’s often referred to as ‘ringing in the ears,’ although the sound can be described as a variety of things.

Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing is a term for ‘what we do with what we hear’. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is an inability to make optimal use of what we hear and affects 3% to 5% of the population – about one child in every classroom.

Workplace Assessments
Noise is a major workplace health and safety hazard that falls under WHS legislation. All workers should be protected from the risk of hearing loss. With Can:Do Hearing, you can rest easy knowing your health and safety is valued.